Sunday, November 22, 2009

Slogging through the semester

The picture is some of my class mates in the orthopedics lab practicing the "sub-occipital release" which is used in treating upper neck and head tension.

I finished up another grueling week of testing thrown at me by the PT department. I am managing to keep my head above water and am not on probation. Unfortunately a few of my classmates are on probation which means that they have to turn it around or they are out of the program. Everyone is already over-worked and stressed out, I can't imagine more pressure.

As we were doing pro-section and dissection last week, one of my anatomy lab partners made the comment" "Wow, I have a new appreciation for serial murderers - this is hard work!" I know, kinda sick and gross thinking but, truly body parts are connected pretty firmly and trying to get them to disconnect is a lot of work.

Enough said.

I am more than half way done with semester #1. I only have 8 more semesters to go. I got my assignment for my first clinical rotation in May. I am not going to Silver City (my first choice) but, instead I got assigned to Santa Fe. So, I plan to challenge myself not to use my car for the full eight weeks and rely only on the train and my bike for commuting purposes.

I have to say that I really like what I am learning. I like my classmates immensely. I like being part of the university and being on campus. There is a lot of positive energy on UNM's campus and campus is clean and beautiful.

My former semiconductor career seems far away now. My former life as a single parent, semiconductor engineer and unhappy romantic partner is becoming a memory where the negative stuff gets trimmed away and the good stuff stays. Those rose tinted glasses focused on the pasted are just getting rosier as time goes by.

1 comment:

  1. Very good writing, and I think the metaphor is lovely. sorry you're so stressed out. but only 3 more weeks till the semester is over!



the longest journey begins with that first step