I worked in a competitive high paced corporate job for 15 years before I decided to return to school. The corporate environment was very structured, organized and plain - like a prison. The last company I worked for had crazy sayings to motivate employees such as: "stress is a good thing", "there are no second priorities" and "only the paranoid survive" .
Today, the first day of school, the program director told us that we are not in competition with each other and that we should each make an effort to help each other succeed. We are told that stress is deleterious to our health so we need to make time to have some regular fun. In addition, one of my professors said he felt like the new PT classroom was too drab and we might be uninspired by our surroundings. He would like for us to come up with decorating ideas for our new classroom so that we feel inspired in the classroom.
I feel like I landed in just the right spot.
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