Sunday, January 31, 2010


It has been "doppleganger week" on facebook. I am sure there are actresses out there who look like me but, I just couldn't get my head around that comparison. I looked up women that I admire and who inspire me for their spirit of adventure, intelligence and work in social justice and I came up with Amelia Earhardt, Marie Curie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sojourner Truth and Susan B. Anthony.

I started thinking that I wish I was as smart as Marie or as socially justice oriented as Eleanor, Sojourner and Susan B. But, the truth is that my drive is around experiencing adventure and I just wasn't born with the brains or hearts of these women. So, I am happy resembling Amelia Earhart. Amelia definitely had a spirit of adventure that I admire and she defined herself on her own independent terms (yes!) as an aviator. An unusual profession for women then and now.
This was a really good exercise for me, thinking about women who did something significant besides look gorgeous and pretended being someone significant. I have had so many beautiful moments in my life, some last longer than others, and yet how significant were these moments?Do people remember me because I looked beautiful or because I did a beautiful thing? I hope the later.

PS> BTW people have told me I resembled Ms. Earhart before FB doppleganger week

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Christmases Past and Present

Christmas in my family was always a big deal. I should say a BIG DEAL. Big dinners, lots and lots of booze, sweets (generally flaming puddings) and presents. Lots of presents.

My father, a man who was normally pretty low-key and fuss-free for 353 days of the year, whipped the entire family into a frenzy of decorating and festivities during the 12 days of Christmas. Thanksgiving weekend the outside of the house was decorated with colored lights and electric luminaries. As soon as the tree lots opened my dad would be scoping them out looking for just the right one - always getting a douglas fir that filled more than half of the family room. He painstakingly placed way too many lights and ornaments on the tree. Every year my dad managed talking my mom out of stringing garlands on the tree and instead dripping silver tinsel (which she hated) all over the already heavily decorated tree. And every year my mom cursed as the vacuum clearer got clogged with silver tinsel and pine needles promising to everyone within ear shot that next year the tree would have garlands, not this damn tinsel. My dad always made multiple trips to Walgreens to get another box or two of "unique" ornaments to add to the tree. New year's day my dad sadly packed up the Christmas decorations but, he would make sure to date the new ornament boxes and list everyone who celebrated the season with us - including the pets. So that every year the unpacking of decorations was a diary of Christmases past.

Sooooo..... it is with quite a bit of guilt that I say I had a nice quiet Christmas and really enjoyed it. My mom, my nephew and me had Christmas dinner at La Fonda restaurant in Santa Fe.

Dad died about 8 years ago. It doesn't seem that long ago and I manage to miss him more as each year passes. If dad were still around asking me to come to Walgreens and pick out a new box of ornaments or string lights and luminaries or pick out a humongous tree then, I am sure I wouldn't feel the need to have a "nice quiet Christmas".

Thanks dad (Budgie) for the great memories of Christmas past. Love you.

Duck - Three Ways

My excitement for cooking, eating and having dinner parties is shared by my good friend Normand. Over the winter holidays Normand-the-gourmand and I cooked up a memorable meal: Duck, 3 ways.

We started out deciding to making a "simple" French country dinner - something that included onion soup and potatoes but, it morphed under Normand's enthusiasm into a 5 course meal with incredible wine that accompanied the menu.....

(the French know how to start a celebration!)

Fois Gras & truffle
~ Sauterne
(duck first way)

Salad with duck sausage and Armonac preserved cherries
~ Pinot Noir
(duck second way)

French onion soup
~ Syrah
(a break from duck)

Sliced duck served on duck fat fried potatoes
~ Burgundy
(duck the third way)

creme caramel ~ Sauterne

We shared the meal between four friends - perfect.

After course five, I passed out. Lucky for me, Normand-the-gormand has a comfortable carpeted floor and lots of water...... ahhhh, over indulgence during the holidays is such a tradition. I am sure this is where those extra 10 pounds of December fat around my belly came from.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What does a girl do with truffles?

My friend Normand called me over the winter break and said:
I am in possession of black truffles from France. Would you like to get together and cook something?

Ahhh yes, can you come over tonight with the truffles? Don't forget the truffles.

I whipped up truffle omlettes and we drank champagne with dinner. I toasted my great fortune to have such a friend as Normand who not only over-nights black truffles from Paris but shares them with me.

the longest journey begins with that first step