Saturday, July 3, 2010
Beignets - the fantasy, the myth, the food
Thursday, July 1, 2010
VOODOO - the art of setting an intention
I am nearly completed with my first full year of graduate school in a profession I artfully, mindfully and wholly embraced. Yes, there are problems on the horizon and yes, there is no perfect job - I get that. However, I didn't run to this job out of fear of "not enough" but, I moved towards this profession/career/job with the idea of helping people to heal.
I have been immersed in a clinical rotation and I have 2 full weeks left. I have learned so much, I have gained so much confidence, I realize I can and will help people overcome their physical challenges and I like being at the job. It is exhausting but, I overall enjoy the job. A great big change.
Monday, May 17, 2010
going about the whole thing all wrong

"We aren't here to make things perfect...We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die." - Cher, from the movie Moonstruck
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Opportunities Missed and then, Taken

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Becoming another food Blog?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
turning 50 years old
Saturday, February 13, 2010
school electric

School is hard and hard on my ego. What I learn daily is a lot and it is wondrous. But, my teachers are not spectacular which is a huge disappointment. I suppose because I have had so many incredible and spectacular teachers in my yoga and ayurvedic studies that I had hoped this experience would include the same. But, my PT teachers are just "okay".
The environment is stimulating - these days the medical library and the anatomy lab are my two favorite places to be. And, it is so lovely to daily be around such gorgeous young people who are not beaten down by life and who are hopeful and optimistic about the future. These young people really see the world as their oyster. Often I feel like a crusty crone amongst all the exuberant optimism for future careers and jobs these kids have. My forward-looking job expectation is never again be on a 24x7 emergency call schedule or work in a factory. For me that is enough. Nothing like keeping those expectations low.
Last week we played with electricity in our PT lab. Electricity is used to stimulate and recruit muscle fibers - hopefully in a therapeutic way. After we used the NMES units in small groups on arms, legs, shoulders, back muscles to understand the therapeutic effects we then, set up a big circle of the entire class and let the electricity travel through all of us in a circle. It was fun, stimulating and so sweet..... I really do love my PT class of 2012.
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Christmases Past and Present
Duck - Three Ways
Saturday, January 9, 2010
What does a girl do with truffles?
the longest journey begins with that first step