Monday, June 18, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
It's all about food..... again
I have been cooking to relax and cooking more than anything does it for me.
This little set... a bit of Spain in Albuquerque. Perfect Paella and lime custard pie with mint-lime blueberries & whipped cream. Ahh, delicious.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Been Busy....

>Nearly a year since I wrote a blog. I have been over-whelmed with school and also exhausted by juggling school with life. Somehow it is coming together because I only have 1.5 years to go. And the .5 is the end of the didactic studies and the last year is all clinical rotations.
Since my last blog I got through my first clinical rotation very well. I have worked through most of neurology which ended up being a lot more interesting and fun than I expected. I currently have just 3 weeks left until the end of school and so much to do it is frightening to me. I can’t possibly think I will get it done.
It is just amazing to think that I will be a 3rd year PT student by August this year.
My next clinical rotation is in October this year and in beautiful San Francisco, California. I am really excited as well as nervous for the rotation. I feel like I have just forgotten all of my orthopedics and anatomy and I can barely retain this neurology information. I hope that as I work it comes back to me.
Another big challenge is finances. I look at the next 18 months and I am not sure how I am going to get through them. It takes money to live and it has been all out-go and no in-flow. I am amazed that I have made it this far with so little money. I hope to take that as a lesson on what I really need – it is so much less than what I thought.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Beignets - the fantasy, the myth, the food
Thursday, July 1, 2010
VOODOO - the art of setting an intention
I am nearly completed with my first full year of graduate school in a profession I artfully, mindfully and wholly embraced. Yes, there are problems on the horizon and yes, there is no perfect job - I get that. However, I didn't run to this job out of fear of "not enough" but, I moved towards this profession/career/job with the idea of helping people to heal.
I have been immersed in a clinical rotation and I have 2 full weeks left. I have learned so much, I have gained so much confidence, I realize I can and will help people overcome their physical challenges and I like being at the job. It is exhausting but, I overall enjoy the job. A great big change.
Monday, May 17, 2010
going about the whole thing all wrong

"We aren't here to make things perfect...We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die." - Cher, from the movie Moonstruck
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Opportunities Missed and then, Taken

the longest journey begins with that first step